Monday, October 20, 2008

Activism Project Proposal

I was hoping to work on a project with Miranda, but I don't know how to get a hold of her and she wasn't in class last week... If she submits something cool, I'll just switch to that, if it's okay with her.

Regardless, here are some of my ideas for the content of the project. I would like to do a special table in the MU Quad. There may be flyers. There may be info and discussion. But I want to do something different...

I want to attract people with a sign that says something along the lines of: "If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual violence, come get your free hug! If you are unfamiliar with this phenomenon, come get informed." Something like that. Obviously the hugs will be real, I'm no bait and switch guy.

Another thing I might do at the booth (I like this one a lot) : I know a gal on campus that works with the theater, and can create quite compelling bruise makeup. I thought this might be a good way to rally people against violence. A show of support, a terrifyingly effective conversation starter. I haven't spoken with said gal about this, though... so... we'll see.

My third Idea for the table would be for it to take a "male" position... talk specifically about the idea that violence against women is a man's issue. Information will be directly geared toward a male audience.

Those are my ideas.


Patti Watkins, Ph.D. said...

Those are all good ideas, though I would give away candy or something rather than give hugs because, remember, you are soliciting women who have experienced sexual violence to come over and have physical contact with you, a male stranger---as well meaning as your hugs are, remember these women have been traumatized and classically conditioned perhaps to have fear or at least be uncomfortable with physical contact from men who they do not know they can trust. Also, not sure that survivors would be willing to "out" themselves to approach you because one of the sad issues is that the victim is often more stigmatized in our society than the perpetrator.

I like the theatrical angle--and if you choose this, you might also talk to Krynn Freehling Burton, our WS instructor who is our theater expert and does a lot of "theather of the oppressed" work.

Remember that you can always contact classmates via the email function on Blackboard----so, see if Miranda would like to work with you in some fashion.

Oh--I like the idea of a table---you could have like a sign saying "Violence Against Women is a Male Issue" and see what kind of folks you attract and what kind of conversations you have.